Nowadays, every Site Needs Encryption...
New sites. Individual sites. E-commerce sites and informational sites. Even really, really old sites.
Many online visitors get easily scared when they see a site without an SSL Certificate. Seeing a padlock next to “HTTPS” at the top of their nav bar gives them the warm fuzzy feeling that they can trust your site.
Trust is everything, whether it’s online or in person. Don’t try to cut corners on trust. It will cost you in traffic.
Image above: artist’s representation of a website designed in the late 1990s. Even this website will benefit from an SSL Certificate.

It's a wild universe out there. Make sure your website is viewed as a safe haven!
Get a first rate SSL Certificate for maximum encryption!
Choose the plan that’s best for you or your business needs.
Standard SSL (1-Site)
- Domain Validation
- SHA-2 & 2048-bit encryption
- Boost SEO rankings
- Fast issuance in 5 minutes
- Security trust seal
- Support unlimited servers
- Free unlimited reissues
- $100,000 USD warranty
Standard SSL (5-Site)
- Domain Validation
- SHA-2 & 2048-bit encryption
- Boost SEO rankings
- Fast issuance in 5 minutes
- Security trust seal
- Support unlimited servers
- Free unlimited reissues
- $100,000 USD warranty
Standard SSL (Wildcard)
- Domain Validation
- SHA-2 & 2048-bit encryption
- Boost SEO rankings
- Fast issuance in 5 minutes
- Display HTTPS & padlock
- Security trust seal
- Support unlimited servers
- Free unlimited reissues
- $100,000 USD warranty
SSL Knowledge
Frequently Asked Questions,
Answered By Our Security Mavens
While it’s true that you technically don’t require an SSL Certificate, search engines now rank you lower when you don’t have one, and browsers will often throw up scary warning messages when you don’t have one properly installed.
When an internet surfer drops into an SSL-protected website, your SSL certificate creates a secure, encrypted connection with their computer. The padlock lets people know that the site they’re on is safe, and trustworthy.
Technically, no, but…YES!
While you could technically create an e-commerce store without an SSL Certificate, you’re leaving your customers wide open for hackers to steal their financial information and identities.
SSL Certificates provide encryption and adhere to some of the most stringent regulations, including PCI-DSS, HIPAA, HITECH, GDPR and more.
It’s probably just as much about identity as it is about encryption. Bottom line: SSL Certificates represent security and trust.
They help increase visitor confidence by showing you’ve secured your true identity online. They validate by an industry-recognized Certificate Authority.
At the end of the day, your SSL certificate indicates to customers that your brand is committed to protecting their data and privacy.
Oftentimes that’s everything.
10 years ago? Maybe not. But today, YES!
Having an SSL Certificate is now pegged with increased rankings by all leading search engines.
Translation: more traffic.
Yes – it will work on every device, regardless of whether it’s desktop, tablet, or mobile.